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Main » 2011 » April » 12 » The Budget Book for Film and Television
7:18 PM
The Budget Book for Film and Television

Focal 2/ed (3-2004) | PDF | 340 pages | 0240806204 | 7.0Mb

The Budget Book for Film and Television, Second Edition /by Robert J. Koster. The process of budgeting has changed radically in the past few years. In the early 1960s when I first became a Production Manager it would take several days with a hand-cranked adding machine, pencils, and a lot of erasers to create a decent budget.Today, with the advent of improved computer budgeting programs, it takes only a few hours and some knowledge of the copy-and-paste functions to enable the adept Production Manager to put together a budget—that and a thorough knowledge of the budgeting process. This book is about the process of budgeting, specifically budgeting using a computer. There are several budgeting software programs in the marketplace that will make budgets for you, but of those only one has the lion’s share of the market (well over 90 percent), and for good reason. EP Budgeting is the only program that works on both IBM and Macintosh platforms, and the data are interchangeable between the two. No other program can make that statement as of this writing, or in the foreseeable future.

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