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Main » 2010 » December » 10 » Programming Microsoft LINQ in Microsoft .NET Framework 4
0:22 AM
Programming Microsoft LINQ in Microsoft .NET Framework 4

Microsoft Press (11-2010) | PDF | 704 pages | 0735640572 | 5.5Mb

Programming Microsoft LINQ in Microsoft .NET Framework 4 /by Paolo Pialorsi and Marco Russo. With LINQ, you can query data from a variety of sources -- including databases, objects, and XML files -- directly from Microsoft Visual Basic® or C#. Guided by data-access experts who've worked in depth with LINQ and the Microsoft development teams, you'll learn how .NET Framework 4 implements LINQ, and how to exploit it. Clear examples show you how to deliver your own data-access solutions faster and with leaner code.
Discover how to:
* Use LINQ to query databases, object collections, arrays, XML, Microsoft Excel® files, and other sources
* Apply LINQ best practices to build data-enabled .NET applications and services
* Manipulate data in a relational database with ADO.NET Entity Framework or LINQ to SQL
* Read, write, and manage XML content more efficiently with LINQ to XML
* Extend LINQ to support additional data sources by creating custom operators and providers
* Examine other implementations, such as LINQ to SharePoint®
* Use LINQ within the data, business, and service layers of a distributed application
* Get code samples on the Web

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Category: Programming | Views: 3319 | Added by: Ebooks | Tags: LINQ, programming, Framework 4, .net, Microsoft | Rating: 0.0/0
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