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Main » 2011 » May » 12 » Mastering Microsoft Exchange Server 2010
6:17 PM
Mastering Microsoft Exchange Server 2010

Sybex (3-2010) | PDF | 984 pages | 0470521716 | 10.6Mb

Mastering Microsoft Exchange Server 2010 /by Jim McBee and David Elfassy. Keep your Microsoft messaging system up to date and protected with the very newest version, Exchange Server 2010, and this comprehensive guide. Whether you're upgrading from Exchange Server 2007 SP1 or earlier, installing for the first time, or migrating from another system, this step-by-step guide provides the hands-on instruction, practical application, and real-world advice you need.
Explains Microsoft Exchange Server 2010, the latest release of Microsoft's messaging system that protects against spam and viruses and allows for access to e-mail, voicemail, and calendars from a variety devices and any location
Helps you thoroughly master the new version with step-by-step instruction on how to install, configure, and manage this multifaceted collaboration system
Covers planning and design, installation, administration and management, maintenance and more
Install or update your Microsoft Exchange Server with this guide, then keep it on hand for a comprehensive reference.

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Category: Software | Views: 2776 | Added by: Ebooks | Tags: mastering, 2010, server, Exchange, Microsoft | Rating: 0.0/0
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