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Main » 2011 » May » 23 » Creating Powerful Brands
1:01 AM
Creating Powerful Brands

Butterworth 3/ed (11-2003) | PDF | 496 pages | 0750659807 | 7.5Mb

Creating Powerful Brands, Third Edition /by Leslie de Chernatony, Leslie de Chernatony and Malcolm McDonald.
This is the third edition of one of world's most respected and successful books on branding. Written by an internationally acclaimed branding expert and author of From Brand Vision to Brand Evaluation, it has been comprehensively revised and updated with a raft of new cases and examples.
The book gives the professional and the student a deep understanding of the functioning and management of the modern brand and contains:
* Powerful analysis of new areas such as e-branding and e-marketing
* A completely new set of advertising and brand images to illustrate key points* A powerful analysis of the key drivers of brand value
There can be no doubt that the power of brands in the international marketplace is still growing, and that Creating Powerful Brands, third edition, can explain both why and how they work.
* Comprehensive coverage of brand management
* Applications orientated, yet grounded on solid theory
* Frameworks organizing the principles of brand building

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