Sams (2-2002) | PDF | 672 pages | 0672322404 | 5.2Mb mod_perl Developer's Cookbook /by Geoffrey Young (Author), Paul Lindner (Author), Randy Kobes (Author).Developers searching for solutions to specific problems can use the mod_perl Developer's Cookbook as acollection of ready-made recipes to be understood and applied to their problems.Developers searching for continuing mod_pe
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Packt (9-2007) | PDF | 316 pages | 184719270X | 5.2Mb SOA and WS-BPEL: Composing Service-Oriented Architecture Solutions with PHP and Open-Source ActiveBPEL /by Yuli Vasiliev (Author) .When utilized within a Service-oriented Architecture (SOA), Web Services are part of a business process determining the logical order of service activities - logical units of work performed by
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Packt (3-2010) | PDF | 300 pages | 1849510202 | 7.44Mb OpenX Ad Server: Beginner's Guide /by Murat Yilmaz (Author) .OpenX is the world's leading independent ad server and it provides you with the simple tools you need to make money from advertising. Although OpenX is a fast, robust ad serving solution to power all of your digital advertising, it can be challen
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O'Reilly (5-2010) | PDF | 548 pages | 0596805020 | 5.3Mb DocBook 5: The Definitive Guide /by Walsh Norman (Author), Richard L. Hamilton (Author).If you need a reliable tool for technical documentation, this clear and concise reference will help you take advantage of DocBook, the popular XML schema originally developed to document computer and hardware projects. DocBook 5.0 has been e
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Peachpit 2/ed (12-2004) | CHM | 296 pages | 0735714339 | 14.7Mb Web ReDesign 2.0: Workflow that Works /by Kelly Goto (Author), Emily Cotler (Author).Anyone who has managed the process of developing or redesigning a Web site of significant size has likely learned the hard way the complexities, pitfalls, and cost risk of such an undertaking. While many Web development firms have fa
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Wrox (10-2009) | PDF | 384 pages | 0470464895 | 5.4Mb Professional BlazeDS: Creating Rich Internet Applications with Flex and Java /by Shashank Tiwari(Author) .BlazeDS enables you to easily connect to back-end distributed data and push data in real time to Adobe Flex and Adobe AIR applications in order to garner more responsive Rich Internet Application (RIA) experiences. It is a sca
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Peachpit Press (12-2008) | PDF | 272 pages | 0321591933 | 5.6Mb Building a WordPress Blog People Want to Read /byScott McNulty (Author).Having your own blog isn't just for the nerdy anymore. Today, it seems everyone—from multinational corporations to a neighbor up the street—has a blog. They all have one, in part, because the folks at WordPress make it easy to get one. but to actually bu
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Pragmatic Bookshelf (4-2010) | PDF | 250 pages | 1934356522 | 3.1Mb ExpressionEngine 2: A Quick-Start Guide /by Ryan Irelan (Author).In this book, noted expert Ryan Irelan walks you through creating an online news site, Engine City Times. You'll get hands-on experience working with dynamic content, categories, an RSS feed, site search, and more as you build your news site.
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Yahoo Press (3-2010) | PDF | 240 pages | 059680279X | 3.84Mb High Performance JavaScript /by Nicholas C. Zakas (Author).If you're like most developers, you rely heavily on JavaScript to build interactive and quick-responding web applications. The problem is that all of those lines of JavaScript code can slow down your apps. This book reveals techniques and strategies
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Packt (3-2010) | PDF | 356 pages | 1847196047 | 6.91Mb MediaWiki 1.1: Beginner's Guide /by Jeff Orloff (Author) .MediaWiki is the free, open-source wiki engine software that powers Wikipedia and many of the other popular wikis across the Web. Written in PHP, it possesses many features that make it the engine of choice for large collaborative wikis: flexible markup, comprehensive
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Packt (3-2010) | PDF | 284 pages | 1847198503 | 5.01Mb WordPress 2.8 E-Commerce /by Brian Bondari (Author) .WordPress is easily one of the hottest platforms for building blogs and general web sites. With the addition of the WP e-Commerce plug-in, it's also a competent platform for easily creating and running an online store, capable of selling physical items as well as services and dig
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Morgan Kaufmann (2-2010) | PDF | 248 pages | 0123749212 | 25.0Mb Design to Thrive: Creating Social Networks and Online Communities that Last /by Tharon Howard (Author) .Social networks and online communities are reshaping the way people communicate, both in their personal and professional lives. What makes some succeed and othe
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