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Main » 2011 » July » 16 » Using English: Your Second Language
7:19 PM
Using English: Your Second Language

Prentice Hall (6-1973) | DJVU | 278 pages | 0139396780 | 2.4Mb

Using English: Your Second Language /by Dorothy Danielson and Hayden R. Using English: Your Second Language is intended as a main or supplementary textbook for college students or adults who have completed basic courses in English as a second language and are well on their way to effective communication in speech and writing. Students with a fairly high level of proficiency in English should be able to cover the material in a 40 to 50 hour course of study; students who still need considerable oral and written practice of basic structures will possibly need twice that amount of time. Although we expect that most intermediate and advanced students will be reasonably proficient in the language, we have nonetheless aimed at fairly complete coverage. The earlier units - on questions, attached statements and rejoinders, commands and requests - have more of an oral than written emphasis and, on this basis, might be considered more elementary.

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Category: Languages | Views: 2482 | Added by: Ebooks | Tags: language, Second, Your, Using, english | Rating: 0.0/0
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