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Main » 2011 » March » 4 » TOEFL Listening Comprehension - CliffsNotes
5:06 AM
TOEFL Listening Comprehension - CliffsNotes

Cliffs Notes (11-1995) | PDF+MP3 | 0822020807 | 50.0M

Advanced Practice for the Toefl: Test of English As a Foregin Language /by Michael A. Pyle. Even straight-A students sometimes flub the TOEFL. While there's no substitute for knowing all the answers, knowing how to take the tests can be of great value in these high-anxiety examinations. Cliff's Test Preparation Guides give you the review that keeps the pertinent information in the front of your brain and teaches you how to take the test. Studies prove that such test preparation brings higher scores.

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Category: Languages | Views: 3046 | Added by: Ebooks | Tags: Listening, CliffsNotes, TOEFL, Comprehension | Rating: 0.0/0
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