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Main » 2010 » April » 17 » Ruby: Visual QuickStart Guide
7:57 AM
Ruby: Visual QuickStart Guide

Peachpit Press (11-2008) | PDF | 432 pages | 0321553853 | 5.9Mb

Ruby: Visual QuickStart Guide /by Larry Ullman (Author) .This book is for those new to programming or that know other programming languages and would like to know Ruby. The book teaches the fundamentals of object-oriented programming and starts with creating a basic program. Everything is covered such as control structures and variables, taking input, and creating output. Moving from the basic to more advanced topics, a solid understanding of Ruby is taught in logical progression. The book ends with an overview of the Web development framework, Ruby on Rails.

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Category: Programming | Views: 3198 | Added by: Ebooks | Tags: Visual, Guide, Ruby, programming, Software, QuickStart, Engineering | Rating: 0.0/0
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