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Main » 2010 » May » 18 » Oracle Database 11g Underground Advice for Database Administrators
6:13 PM
Oracle Database 11g Underground Advice for Database Administrators

Packt Publishing (4-2010) | PDF | 348 pages | 1849680000 | 5.2Mb

Oracle Database 11g Underground Advice for Database Administrators /by April Sims (Author) .Today DBAs are expected to deploy and manage large databases with quality service and little to no downtime. The DBA's main focus is on increasing productivity and eliminating idle redundancy throughout the enterprise. However, there is no magic set of best practices or hard and fast rules that DBAs need to follow, and this can make life difficult. But if DBAs follow some basic approaches and best practices, tasks can be performed more efficiently and effectively.
This survival guide offers previously unwritten underground advice for DBAs. The author provides extensive information to illuminate where you fit in, and runs through many of the tasks that you need to be watchful of, extensively covering solutions to the most common problems encountered by newcomers to the world of Oracle databases. The book will quickly introduce you to your job responsibilities, as well as the skills, and abilities needed to be successful as a DBA. It will show you how to overcome common problems and proactively prevent disasters by implementing distributed grid computing-scalable and robust-with the ability to redeploy or rearchitect when business needs change. Reduce downtime across your enterprise by standardizing hardware, software, tools, utilities, commands, and architectural components.

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Category: Databases | Views: 3377 | Added by: Ebooks | Tags: Oracle, Underground, database, Administrators, Software, programming, 11g, Advice | Rating: 0.0/0
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