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Main » 2010 » May » 4 » Magento 1.3 Sales Tactics Cookbook
7:16 AM
Magento 1.3 Sales Tactics Cookbook

Packt (3-2010) | PDF | 292 pages | 1849510121 | 16.1Mb

Magento 1.3 Sales Tactics Cookbook /by William Rice (Author) .Magento is a feature-rich, professional open source e-commerce solution that offers users complete flexibility and control over the look, content, and functionality of their online store. Although Magento provides users with the power to create dynamic e-commerce sites, it can be challenging to get beyond the basics and create sites that are tailored to your unique business needs.
This book gives you a hands-on experience on Magento, helping you increase your revenue by implementing proven sales tactics on your Magento site.
After creating an online store with Magento, you will follow a defined series of steps to boost revenues on your site. By following straightforward instructions you can implement some proven e-commerce sales techniques. You will learn to customize the default Magento storefront so that it becomes your store and also learn about Magento's directory structure and where some of the elements of a store are customized. As you work your way through each chapter, your store will grow in scope and sophistication. By the time you finish this book you should have a basic, but complete working online store.
What you will learn from this book
* Install and upgrade Magento to get ready for development
* Get familiar with the architecture and internal structure of Magento to get the base system up and running
* Learn about the best modules available and what they can do for you out of the box
* Build a Shipping module for your Magento store to give users options for receiving their items once they have paid for them
* Create a payment method for Magento and the various aspects that go together to complete the payment process
* Speed up your module creation process using the Module Creator script
* Build a basic brand-management module for Magento to manage brands and display their details
* Integrate your favorite CMS into Magento including a walkthrough of integrating Wordpress into Magento
* Create, update, delete, and retrieve customer data from within Magento by implementing the customer API
* Integrate Magento data into your existing external web application or script using the Magento Core API
* Import/export files to retrieving information from and store it to external sources using Excel Spreadsheet or CSV data

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Category: Web | Views: 3382 | Added by: Ebooks | Tags: web, site, Tactics, Sales, Development, Cookbook, Magento, E-commerce | Rating: 0.0/0
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