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Main » 2011 » January » 5 » Lab Manual : Data Structures and Abstractions with Java™
4:53 AM
Lab Manual : Data Structures and Abstractions with Java™

Prentice Hall (10-2004) | PDF | 268 pages | 0131474049 | 4.2Mb

Lab Manual : Data Structures and Abstractions with Java™ /by Frank Carrano, Walter Savitch, and Charles Hoot.In general, the labs in this manual are designed to give you some experience in using and implementing data structures. A number of the labs ask you to complete a program that uses a particular data structure.
You will find as you continue programming that the data structures you learn in this course will be the primary tools in your programming tool kit. These labs should serve as an intermediate step in your programming life. Before you do the lab, it is your responsibility to study carefully the concepts and code for the particular structure. The lab will then give you support and direction for finishing an application. It is important not to stop there, but to write other programs of your own that use the data structure.

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