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Main » 2011 » June » 29 » Graphic Design Solutions
11:56 PM
Graphic Design Solutions

Wadsworth 4/ed (1-2010) | PDF | 480 pages | 0495572810 | 42.0Mb

Graphic Design Solutions /by Robin Landa. In my opinion, the most challenging aspect of teaching a graphic design course, particularly an introductory course, is a student's understanding of the "visual." Ms. Landa's text tackles this difficult task handily by offering straightforward solutions for building sound design fundamentals, and for thinking conceptually about those devices in our culture - human attitudes and visual identifiers - that marry an audience with the "visual." Richard Rex Thomas, St. John's University
The most difficult aspect of teaching my graphic design course is to get students to see visual imagery as opposed to consume the visual cultural images. Many times students are not looking beyond the name or the produce to see effective communication and design. The design is almost transparent to them. When it is transparent then it is effective. This book brings the reader through all aspects of visual communication and breaks down that transparent element so the reader can understand the essential contents of a communicative piece. Paula DiMarco, California State - Northridge
I try and find texts that match the pedagogy of my classes as well as books that I would have wanted to read/study/keep when I was in school. I would have kept this book for reference, inspiration, and portfolio/job search information. Eric Chimenti, Chapman University

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