Wiley (12-2003) | CHM | 240 pages | 0471180904 | 1.3Mb E-Commerce: A Control and Security Guide /by Gordon E. Smith. This text provides guidance on how to protect and monitor electronic commerce, and lays out the components and risks of an e-commerce system. It also details security solutions and auditing techniques for an e-commerce environment.This book is intended to provide a step by step approach to auditing and securing the E-commerce environment. As this is a very large topic, I have specifically broken it down into modules that will enable you to use a structured and proven approach. If you perform your E-commerce review in the same sequence as this book, you will cover all of the major control areas, using a peeling-the-onion approach. You will be able to focus on what needs to be done and concentrate on completing your review in a timely manner. download link: http://www.filesonic.com/file/146697101 http://www.easy-share.com/1914067912